Form follows
Graphic and Digital Designer
8Visual Identity
Digital, Interaction, Coding
Motion Graphics

The devil
is in the details
13Click the boxes
to explore
14 myoungae.k@gmail.com

The website is designed and developed
by MyoungAe Kim
Digital, Interaction, Coding, 2023

In commemoration of the year-end, a web portfolio was developed with the motif of an advent calendar. The advent calendar, traditionally comprised of numbered compartments, each containing small gifts or treats, served as the key concept. Personal interests and works were expressed within boxes marked with numbers. Through the concealment of elements within the numbered boxes, users are prompted to interact by clicking on each box, thereby exploring and unveiling the contents.

Feel free to click on the boxes to unveil what is inside.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

CLIENT Self-Initiated Project
YEAR 2023
CATEGORY Digital, Interaction, Coding
SCOPE Website (Desktop/Mobile)
TOOLS html, CSS, jQuery
Advent Calendar with Hidden Treats  ⭠⭢  Portfolios with Hidden Elements That Imply Personality 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Exhibition Identity, 2023

The project involves the exhibition identity design for '1883, A Journey Through the Archives,' celebrating the 140th anniversary of diplomatic relations between South Korea and the United Kingdom. To represent the enduring relationship between the two nations over the past 140 years, the key visual employs intertwined ropes as a graphic motif. This visual representation, where two strands harmoniously merge into a single line, symbolizes the close and robust bond between the two countries. Additionally, the elongated form of the rope embodies the journey that has been traversed over the years.

CLIENT The KCCUK (The Korean Cultural Centre UK)
YEAR 2023
CATEGORY Exhibition Identity
SCOPE Poster, Brochure, Booklets, Window Vinyl, Wall Vinyl, Web Banner, E-Invitation, Press Release
TOOLS Illustrator, InDesign
A Journey and the Relationship Between South Korea and the UK  ⭠⭢  Intertwined Rope 1 2 3 4 5 6

The sustained use of digital devices has resulted in changes in how humans read and perceive information. Immediate and abundant data through websites and social media platforms have transformed human reading habits, prompting individuals to selectively accept seemingly important information and skip the rest to obtain target information quickly. Consequently, skimming and scanning have become a dominant method of information consumption. In this regard, ‘Ways of Reading’ examined two inquiries regarding how design can deal with skim reading and contribute to fostering ‘deep reading’ in the digital environment.

The first project, ‘Ways of Reading: Interrupting Skimming Information’, focused on enabling ‘deep reading’ in digital environments that typically encourage skimming. Recent studies suggest that the conventional reading approach of consuming content slowly and sequentially enhances comprehension and critical thinking. In line with this idea, the series of web experiments translates the traditional mode of sequential reading into a web environment by preventing users from skimming content and providing a slower, linear process of reading. Common digital behaviours such as hovering, dragging, and clicking, known as obstacles to the reading process, can actually help provide ‘deep reading’ experiences to an audience. By engaging in these web experiments, digital readers are compelled to read text sequentially, prompting them to memorise sentences and consider contextual connections. This approach encourages readers to reflect on the value of slow reading, ultimately engaging in ‘deep reading’ practices.

CLIENT Final year project at Central Saint Martins
YEAR 2023
CATEGORY Digital, Interaction, Coding
SCOPE Website(Desktop)
TOOLS html, CSS, jQuery, p5.js
WEBSITE https://novvmk.github.io/ways_of_reading/
Translation of Traditional Linear Reading into Digital Environment  ⭠⭢  Interruption by Digital Elements 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Digital, Interaction, Coding, … , 2023

On the contrary, the second study, ‘Ways of Reading: A Day in Hyde Park’, challenges the negative perception of skimming information. Colomina and Wigley (2016, p. 35) suggested that humans gradually redesign themselves to effectively utilise new technologies, drawing from how human hands adapt to human-made tools. In the same vein, the emerging generation, born in an entirely digitally transformed era, may have different abilities and perceptions regarding printed and digital books, as they do not differentiate between analogue and digital media. The study examines the adequacy of existing book formats for the new generation, who primarily engage in skim reading, and how to offer them ‘deep reading’ experiences.

In their modified reading habits, exposure to extensive and fragmented information may potentially enhance concentration. In alignment with this perspective, the project introduces a form of ‘hyperlink fiction’ where the narrative unfolds through hyperlinks containing fragmented content. This fiction portrays multiple characters in Hyde Park, inviting readers to infer Anne's favourite item and engaging them in an immersive experience. This format diverges from traditional printed books and PDF e-books. The investigation aims to deliver deep-reading experiences through the creation of experimental literature.

CLIENT Final year project at Central Saint Martins
YEAR 2023
CATEGORY Digital, Interaction, Coding, Visual Identity, Photography
SCOPE Website(Desktop), Writing, Photography, Poster
TOOLS html, CSS, jQuery, p5.js, Illustrator, Photoshop, InDesign, Ilford Sprite 35-II
WEBSITE https://novvmk.github.io/a_day_in_hyde_park/
Changed Reading Habits  ⭠⭢  Fragmented Data  ⭠⭢  Folded Papers 1 2 3 4
Brand Identity, Art Direction, Digital, … , 2021

Cape Corporation is a company that unfolds a diverse array of health and beauty brands. Within this domain, this project involves the product development and design of the brand and its corresponding online retail platform. This initiative aligns with the prevailing market trends in South Korea, specifically targeting the 20-30 age demographic, which exhibits a preference for ingredient-led products, masstige offerings, and online shopping.

The brand specialises in products where butter serves as the primary ingredient, emphasising its dual function of providing nourishment and moisture. The brand name 'Butter Shower' has been crafted to depict these attributes. In order to position and develop this brand as a masstige product, inspiration has been drawn from hotel amenities, guiding the comprehensive evolution of the brand identity for the product and its online retail platform.

CLIENT Made at Cape
YEAR 2021
CATEGORY Brand Identity, Packaging, Art Direction,
Digital, Illustration
SCOPE Logo, Product Development, Packaging,
Art Direction for photo-shooting, Website(Desktop/Mobile), Illustration
TOOLS Illustrator, InDesign, Figma, html, CSS, jQuery
WEBSITE https://thebuttershower.com
Masstige Bath Product Branding & Online Retail  ⭠⭢  Hotel-inspired Packaging & Virtual Hotel 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Brand Identity, 2021

Estuary Brands is a global brand licensing company based in Seoul, specialising in brand management that facilitates contracts for brand expansion and collaboration. As an intermediary facilitating contracts for various brands, the company aims to convey a sense of trust to its clients while desiring a branding image that is both modern and sophisticated.

The visual identity is depicted through the use of typeface and colour. The typeface employed combines thin and bold lines in a sans-serif font, creating a modern impression. The dark turquoise, evoking a sense of depth and sophistication, contributes to the conveyance of a modern and trustworthy brand image.

CLIENT Estuary Brands
YEAR 2021
CATEGORY Brand Identity
SCOPE Logo, Business Card, Envelope
TOOLS Illustrator, InDesign
Trustworthy Image  ⭠⭢  Dark Turquoise 1 2 3 4 5